Sunday, August 31, 2014

Busy Week

     I apologize to all of my loyal readers for how long it's been since I've made a post. I know that this blog is brilliant and probably the highlight of your day, but I've been very busy. Turns out there are things to do at college. Wish someone would have told me.

     When I wasn't in class or doing homework this week, I was either hanging out with friends or playing tag with the IT department. I had expected my chat with them to fix my issue. It did not. Nor did the next chat. Or the one after that. I finally gave up and called them, and the line was busy. They called me back while I was in class. This went on for pretty much the whole week, until I finally got ahold of them. I am very excited to say my problem was resolved, and I have wired internet in my room. About time.

     I have spent most of my downtime in my friend Tristan's apartment. It's got tons of space for a few of us to hang out and play games or watch TV or whatever we want to do. No one else seems to share my passion for watching poker and boxing.

     My roommates were going to the midnight launch event for Madden 15, so I tagged along with them. The clerk was pretty confused when I asked to buy a game other than Madden. Apparently when they have a midnight launch event for a certain game, they expect people to buy that game. Regardless, they sold me the other game anyway. I was a very happy nerd.

     I got my first college grade. It was a 100%. I was happy. The assignment was a lesson in following instructions and creative problem solving. My instructor was amused by how I managed to turn it into a lesson in doing as little work as possible. My one paragraph load of crap well thought out explanation for how I completed the task was convincing though, so I completed the assignment correctly, and received full credit.

     I worked my last weekend at McDonalds. I'd been there for about a year and a half, and it had been a great first job. It wasn't the most enjoyable work, but it was a great place to work and I'd grown close to a lot of people there. I'm very excited to move on to new opportunities, but it still sucked saying goodbye. I'll miss that place. I didn't think I would, but I will.

     And now I'm writing this blog at 1 AM waiting for a playstation conference to start so I can watch it and be a nerd. I'll try to update this thing on a more frequent basis this week if I can.

1 comment:

  1. Your loyal readers are glad to see an updated post! Have a great week. Love you!
