Thursday, August 21, 2014

Homeward Bound

     I love my writing class. It is, without a doubt, the most positive environment I've ever seen. I actually volunteered to read my writing in class, something I never did in high school. Ever. The professor is incredibly encouraging and I will definitely do well in that class.

     Criminal Justice is interesting, but the class is going to be a piece of cake. 

     Speaking of CJ, my book finally was delivered. To my house, not my dorm. So I needed to go get it. I'd never made the drive home before. I knew the general idea of how to get home, but I had never done it before. I turned my GPS on just to be safe. It did not take me where I thought I was going. I got very lost. I also got stopped by a train. The train took 16 minutes. I counted. It wasn't a fun drive home. Went to lunch with my mom, picked up my book (and my copy of season 1 of Smallville that was in at the library) and drove back to school.

     Built a computer in my crappy CIT course. It was a trainwreck. They didn't have enough screws, and they gave us a bunch of incompatible parts. We had to go back to the cabinets and get parts a dozen times. We got done an hour early though, so we got to leave.

     Nothing really happened the rest of the night, I hung out with friends and ate food and stuff. I noticed while writing this that I was referring to campus as home, so I guess I'm a college student now. 

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