Thursday, August 21, 2014

Groceries 101 - An Intro To Shopping For One

     Classes went as planned, Won't be writing much about those unless something unusual or interesting happens, because it's boring to write about, and I can't imagine it's any better to read about.

     However, after my Principles of Informatics (INF128) class let out, the professor invited us all to go grab some lunch. I went. No one else did. It was neat interacting with him in a less formal setting. I like that about college. It's easy to get to know the professors.

     After my last class let out, I decided to run to the Kroger right off campus for an umbrella. It had been raining all day, and a friend of mine told me umbrellas cost $20 on campus, so I decided not to buy that. Scott and I hopped in my car and drove right down the road. I figured I'd get some food while I was there, because I had done a good job of eating through everything I brought. I grabbed a cart, and decided to make a lap around the store and pick up whatever sounded good. I found Jones soda, so I bought some Green Apple and some Creme. I found Hostess products, so I bought some Twinkies. Found chips, so I bought some. Found Lunchables, threw a few in the cart. Donuts, same as above. Day old canoli's from the bakery? Into the cart! Headed to checkout, got a Kroger card, and put all of my stuff in the car and drove home.

     Went to dinner with a group of friends, some from high school, some new, and ate an absurd amount of loaded nachos. And buffalo chicken sandwiches. And cherry pie. And a lot of other food. Seriously, I had 5 plates by the time I was done.

     Went back to my new friend Tristan's apartment with the guys (I want an apartment next year) and watched some Netflix for a while. We ended up watching a lot of really stupid youtube videos, but it was a great time. Got a text from my mom asking if I got the umbrella. Oops.

     I headed back to my room, did homework and played video games and all of the other boring stuff I'd been doing. Talked to a friend who's a senior in high school over Facebook (I'm really starting to appreciate Facebook now that I don't see everyone I know for 8 hours a day 5 days a week). He'd been thinking about NKU, so I gave him my two cents.

     Sat down to write this blog and got a knock on my door. The guys in my dorm that use the other bathroom (there's four of us and two bathrooms) had somehow managed to break their toilet, and the maintenance guy wanted to borrow my plunger (I was the only one that brought one). Figured this was a perfect time to ask about that maintenance ticket I put in 5 days ago for my wired internet. As I expected, it wasn't his department, and actually has to shuffle through three departments before reaching anyone that can take care of my problem. Apparently IT has been swamped and is still working through tickets from before I moved in, but it should be up soon. As long as it is up before next Tuesday, I'll be satisfied. I have more digital games that I preordered (That's a total of 6 since I moved in) and I would really like to play them.

     Two people on campus told me they've read my blog. As of now, I have 400 views on it. That's 400 more than I had planned on. I am considering selling the rights to make a movie based on it.

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